HER Practice mentoring is heart-centered

HER Practice is the co-creative, co-leadership, and co-arising of the divine feminine expression emerging. HER Practice is a mentoring journey to YOUR inner guidance, collective stories of healing, authentic community, and awakening your dream.

I am Dr. Leslie Hewitt, and here is my quick story: After a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology, Ten years in a “dark blue navy power suit”,  and climbing the Corporate Ladder . . . and then a divine intervention towards a Doctorate in Chiropractic;  I graduated from chiropractic college in 1999 and naively created a masculine metric driven practice. Whew! In other words, I was a Lone Wolf isolated in my office, and convinced by the old linear business approach that I should be the King of my Jungle. Huh, King? Many women make their way through higher education and out into the World and realize they lost their Innate Feminine Divine spirit along the way. Let the guys be the Kings, and let us be the Queens, Priestesses, Princesses, and Goddesses.

Women of Wellness everywhere are discouraged with the corporate, bought, rigged, corrupt, and patriarchal system. In fact, I know the universe conspires to raise women up NOW more than ever. Women make the majority of buying and healthcare decisions, so let’s help them make the right decisions – from a place of nurturing, tender loving care, and listening to their needs.

I started HER Practice as a “movement” in Year 2010. I created a variety of Practice ingredients from trial and error, from inner check-ins, with self-talk that is gentle, and everything is simple. For starters – here is my FIRST RECOMMENDATION:  I highly recommend 2+ conscious women (and conscious men are loving this new idea) in Practice together. Don’t practice alone. That’s just the beginning of my recommendations – so let’s get started today with HER Practice. 

I invite YOU to a sweet connection on the phone for FREE to create a sacred space of sharing. You will notice ideas from my book “The New Glossary” weaved throughout HER Practice. For example, words such as:  weaved, ingredients, invite, sew, leverage, breath, journey and so on. I deliberately removed words such as Step 1-2-3, team, execute, fight, war, attack, must, try, tools, tool box, anchor, etc.  Notice where you use language that diminishes, excludes diversity, and masculinizes women. Let’s choose words that are inclusive of women, men, moms, dads, millennials, children, lifestyles, cultures, religions, and beliefs. I am bowing down to the Feminine Archetype in Healthcare, Business, Sales, Marketing, Education, and Client Attraction.

HER Practice Salon 1: Energy Flows where Intention Goes

Create YOUR female practice!  The time has come for YOU to find your CALLING and have your authentic Feminine Practice.  Let’s celebrate when you are on the path to YOUR true calling that comes from your heart and soul.

  • Discover what’s most important to you in your life
  • Design a plan to make it happen in a HEALTHY way
  • Discover your truth as a female healer and intuitive practitioner
  • Who is your ideal patient and remember the riches are in the niches
  • Develop the neuroplasticity for divine compensation and your self-worth

HER Practice Salon 2:  Your Purpose Driven Practice

Your “sweet spot” is when you design YOUR practice from purpose. This is a highly physical phase that involves blending your daily rituals at the highest level. What beliefs, behaviors and core values are MOST important to you?

  • Find the space of your dreams and learn how to negotiate a lease, triple-net, and read agreements
  • Know what to look for in a location, and trust your intuition in the process
  • Design your dream practice with high nourishment and nurturing – all done from abundance
  • Decorate your office and spend money in a way that provides FREEDOM rather than stuff
  • Know your budget – and if you don’t have a budget – I have ideas to get YOU started without a glitch

HER Practice Salon 3:  Know your Authentic Brand

Universal Intelligence is poised for WOMEN to step into their true nature. It’s brighter now more than ever for women doctors, entrepreneurs, CEO’s and business owners. Your authenticity will leverage YOUR divine intervention.

  • Get the most out of your feminine archetype, authentic practice style, and brand
  • Discover how to create forms, wellness plans, and attract patients and clients for life
  • Develop customized scripting so you can harness your communication skills
  • Relax with your shadow – uncover any fears you have because this journey lovingly invites it to show up
  • Look at your ideal performance areas with a focus on organization, systems, scripts, and where you thrive
  • Evaluate your opportunities, and fine-tune YOUR authentic communication & practice model

Sweet Forms Galore:  Feminine Designs

Electronic and paper forms are easy to customize for YOUR practice name, brand, and vision. I have created forms from scratch, including intake, exam, arbitration, calendar overview, consent to treat a minor, pediatrics, workers comp, personal injury, liens, and MORE! I developed a super simple online program so you can manage your Female Practice. Oh and for you disorganized beautiful heart-centered goddesses, take an extra breath hahaha, because I made it easy – this OCD area is my forte and I have a gentle approach that sews in beautiful colors of organizational levels as we check-in with your comfort zone xo

  • Use my forms as guidance for your organization, systems, and be a documentation DIVA
  • I have re-branded OCD to become ORGANIZED COMMITTED DIVA to share easy systems
  • Simple easy-to-use forms make the female practice relaxing. Remember simple is sustainable
  • You will love to set up patient files with my feminine approach to multi-tasking

Wellness Care:  Monthly Mentoring

During our first FREE phone call together to connect, let’s discover your desired design with the intention of getting YOU set up and ready for your divine practice. One call may set you on your journey and YOUR inspired purpose is launched. Or you may want to continue a monthly relationship with me. I am happy to hold your hand, mentor your practice, and be available for any questions about patient care, files, scripts, and whatever comes up.

  • Women do better in groups and we are natural collaborators – so you may want to co-create monthly with me
  • Monthly care gives you a monthly phone call to check in for 30-minutes and review whatever is up for you
  • This part of the program requires a 1-year commitment and you can pay monthly on an auto-debit for ease

It’s time to catch your breath – ground your feet flat on the floor where you are sitting now, close your eyes please, take 1-3 more breaths to stay connected to YOUR inner voice. The female practice is balanced, easy, simple, gentle, feminine, multi-tasking, nourishing, collaborative, and it takes CARE of you too! It’s an interesting concept – taking care of ourselves first?  As women, we’re programmed to want to help others first. So why, then, are we so unwilling to want to help ourselves?

HERE IS ANOTHER RECOMMENDATION: when we take care of ourselves first as Women of Wellness, we are true healers, role-models, and we can truly impact and influence our patients, clients, and other women to make informed choices for their well-being, their kids, and their families.  Imagine feeling that sense of healing in every fiber of your being, in every facet of your life.

ONE MORE RECOMMENDATION: when we say we want a balanced life as women, it’s TOO linear to me to hear that. It implies we are either in-balance or out-of-balance. How about a daily BLEND rather than balance. Like a good red wine such as cabernet, merlot, bordeaux or pinot; the different grapes are blended with other varietals for a refined blend. What if every day you blended a little work, rest, walk, exercise, stretch, nap, patient care, paper work, tidying up, laundry, time with the family and kids, and let’s be sure to check a few things off your list to relax your inner mind-body-spirit, a hot bath, and gentle daily blending the details of your very busy life? What if each day was a blend based on your inner guidance? If you are like me, how about a little structured and compartmentalized time each day for this and that so it provides healing moments of meditation? Blend daily instead of balance – it allows for shifts, inner guidance, flexibility, and each day is easy xo

You are the transformation

Live your authentic destiny expressing your heart & soul

Create a business from your feminine archetype

Say YES and contact me, Dr. Leslie Hewitt. Discover your journey in a collaborative feminine way. Be part of a movement guided by the Feminine Divine. I am here holding space. I can softly listen to you and quickly become a surrogate for your process.  Welcome to Her Practice! I want to share my GEMS with you from my Highest Purpose as a female healer, business owner, entrepreneur, and Leader.

Contact me at thewowtalks@gmail.com and I will get back to you within 2-days,

Dr. Leslie Hewitt – Mama WOW & CEO of The WOW Talks


HER Practice:






Soul Purpose

Sacred Space










Purpose Driven













Wonder Women

Family Health



Stage Presence

Health Talks


Baby Wellness
