Welcome to The WOW Talks
The WOW Talks is a truth forum to Connect, Collaborate and Celebrate. WOW is women of wellness, a wake-up call, a sisterly nudge to rise to your feet, and a legacy awakened. Join WOW today to AWAKEN your purpose. The WOW Talks is the BIGGEST women of wellness community and educational portal in the country led by CEO and Founder, Dr. Leslie Hewitt DC. We provide a safe environment and platform to Speak Your Truth. Similar to a summit, women are uniting with empowered voices, business mindsets, and new paradigm ideas for the purpose of leadership, influence and impact in the world.
Empowerment, education, fun and networking in a yummy, nurturing and interactive environment to celebrate Women of Wellness.
Facebook Community
WOW Speakers are community participants on our Facebook LIVE summit with sacred stories, and tales that will turn on your ancient spirit technology.
Speaker Application
Mission: Vision: Goals: For more information: info@thewowtalks.comCalling all Doctors of Chiropractic, Acupuncturists, Medical Doctors, Psychologists, Psychiatrists, and Healers. Welcome to HER practice.
For Entrepreneurs
Promote empowered leadership for women.
Provide a safe and supportive environment for women to connect, collaborate and celebrate.
Leadership: Sustaining the resources and leadership to empower women.
Professional Development: A trusted resource for sisterhood and mentorship.
Public Awareness: Cultural authority for women to make informed choice.
Advocacy: Advancing women to roles of leadership.